click on the pictures! there's something behind the pictures. you'll find out anyways. 
AMERICA UNDER ATTACK United States America Under Attack September 11, 2001 AMERICA FIGHTS BACK On Oct. 7, U.S. and British military forces launched a massive attack on suspected Taliban militia military targets in Afghanistan. The Taliban has harbored suspected terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden and elements of his organization al Qaeda since 1996. U.S. officials believe bin Laden and al Qaeda were responsible for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and a hijacked jet that crashed in Pennsylvania. Participating in the air strikes were: B-1 and B-52 bombers from Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, B-2 stealth bombers from Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo.; F/A-18 and F-14 jets from the aircraft carriers USS Carl Vinson and USS Enterprise; and at least 50 Tomahawk missiles launched from U.S. surface ships and one U.S. and one British submarine. Click on the map for information on some U.S. bases and U.S. forces in the region. |